Thursday, May 23, 2013

Under the Sea

If you have a little girl who is wishing for an Under the Sea Party or a Mermaid Party my new Under the Sea Printable Party Pack will be just what you need to make that extra splash at her party!

Just in time!

I have been so busy around here getting ready for yet another party! My oldest daughter is turning 5 this weekend. However, I wanted so much to get something new added to my Etsy shop before the weekend rolled around. If you want to add a little detail to your Memorial Day celebrations check out my new tags and labels available now for purchase. Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hump Day Freebie!

For all of you who love to make a list and check it twice, here is an event checklist to help you plan your next party.
Right Click. Save. Print.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ocean Bottle Wraps

Here is the latest item in the shop. Probably will be using these for Isabella's mermaid themed party but they could be used for any under the sea/ocean theme. Check them out in my shop.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Splish, Splash

Currently, I am in mermaid and fish mode preparing for Isabella's Fifth Birthday party. Having two girls a month apart makes for a very busy and sometimes expensive Spring. I ordered Eden's Hello Kitty Invitations this year from, but I opted to make Isabella's invite this year. For being only Five she sure is very opinionated on what she wants or doesn't want. After weeks of trying to decide what to do for her mermaid theme I came up with this and she approved.

Open For Business

I am finally taking everyone's advice and putting it into action. Whimsical Marionette is definitely a work in progress but never despise the day of small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). There are only a few things listed as of now but visit my shop on Etsy and make us a favorite.

Monday, May 6, 2013

As Seen On...

A couple of weeks ago I was contacted and asked permission to use one of my photos in a blog about planning a Monster party. I can't tell you how super excited I was. is sponsored by Disney, it gets a lot of traffic and even if nothing comes of it, I was honored to be included among many other creative party planners.

Party at Preschool

Tomorrow morning will be our last day providing snack for Isabella's pre-k class. Since school will be out one week before Isabella's birthday we decided that on her last snack day we would celebrate an early birthday with her school friends. Whoever has snack day gets to be the snack helper and pass out snacks to each student. To make passing out all the goodies easier on Isabella, I decided to put together a little party pack for each of her friends. Just some last minute things I threw together. But gave me a lot of ideas and inspirations for future party packs.